Im-Pending Disaster!

A Word About Pending Hand-Offs

So we know the best strategy in Rushing Tin is thinking a couple of moves ahead when moving your planes.

But when it comes to Pending Hand-Offs it can be about thinking five or six moves ahead.

You see if you have a plane which (if all goes well) should be handed-off in about 5 moves or so, you better keep an eye out for your opponents Pending Hand-offs.

Because nothing’s more frustrating than lining up a flight to be handed off on your next turn, and discovering your opponent has just accepted a Pending Hand-off which will enter at the the same point your plane will exit!

It’s you who will have the deal…

It’s you who will fall out of favour with the airline…

And it’s you who’ll kick yourself saying, “why the heck didn’t I see that coming?”

Monitoring what other players have in their Pending Hand-Offs is often overlooked by new players, and these players can be easy pickings for blackmail, bribes and trades.

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